The Cercle

In keeping with its founding goals and historical trajectory, the Cercle d’Economia is a civic association that seeks to improve the quality of public debate through the publication of independent opinion on the main challenges that determine economic, social and political progress

A unique personality and a pluralistic view consistent with the complex society of our day

Its more than 1.300 members and 118 collaborating entities make the Cercle a plural and independent organisation of all types of private, sectoral or political interest. The diverse professional profiles and political sensitivities of its members makes the Cercle a socially transverse institution. These qualities give the Cercle a unique personality and a pluralistic view consistent with the complex society of today. The Cercle's independence from sectoral or political interests of all types is based on two relevant facts. One, the spirit of free thought and opinion rooted in the organisation since its foundation in the 1950’s, which has manifested itself in circumstances which haven’t always been easy.  Another, in the fact that it’s financing is solely supported by the contributions of its partners and collaborating entities

The Cercle defines its activity around three main points:

A meeting place

The Cercle is a meeting place and a forum for debate, open to the diverse trends and sensibilities of an open and plural society

An Opinion Centre

As a result of this intense debate, the Cercle has expressed its opinion on the great issues of each moment, to which it has tried to provide a shared vision, far from interests that, although legitimate, are of a union or sectoral nature.

A Central Promoter of Initiatives

Throughout its history, the Cercle has led and supported initiatives in diverse fields. Contributing to the formation of an open and plural society and a dynamic and innovative economy, which is capable of offering opportunities for improvement to all citizens, especially those who need it most.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors constitutes the highest governance body of the Cercle d'Economia in the period between the Annual Assemblies of Members.
Throughout its history, the Board of Directors has been characterised by its plurality and renewal. Thus since 1958, the various Boards that have followed, reflect the plurality of professional orientations and political sensibilities of the Cercle’s members. In turn, according to the express will of the founders and included in the regulations of the Cercle, the Presidents and their respective Boards have been renewed every three years, without considering the possibility of presidential terms exceeding those three years. This statutory characteristic has been fundamental for the development and renewal of the Cercle.

The Presidents

Carles Ferrer i Salat


Arturo Suqué


Joan Mas Cantí


Carlos Cuatrecasas


Vicenç Oller


Enric Corominas


Carlos Tusquets


Joan Molins


Josep Piqué


Pedro Fontana


Salvador Gabarró


Antoni Brufau


Salvador Alemany


José Manuel Lara


Antón Costas


Juan José Brugera

(2016 - 2019)

Javier Faus


Jaume Guardiola


Collaborating entities

In the early 1980’s, the Cercle’s Board of Directors began to consider how to finance the growing activity of the organisation without breaking the tradition of maintaining moderate membership fees. Thus, a figure for the collaborating entity was created as a basic instrument to facilitate the operation of the Cercle. There are currently 118 collaborating entities of the Cercle d'Economia. Among them are a diverse range of entities and public figures representative of the various sectors of our economy.

All collaborating entities


The members

Since its inception, the Cercle d'Economia has sought to be an open and dynamic space in which the leading figures were the members with their opinions and their proposals.
With this objective, throughout these decades it has been organised legally in the form of an association. This associative organisation is the one that best facilitates the development of this vocation of dialogue, debate and proposals. At the same time, it places the government of the entity in all its members. The transverse profile of the members is the best example of the personality of the Cercle. People from diverse professional fields, with social, ideological and political sensitivities also diverse. But that share the objective of making the institution a space where debate, dialogue and opinion are put at the service of the general interest of society, of the common good, beyond the legitimate and specific interests of each professional or political collective. Currently, the Cercle is made up of more than 1.300 members. The vast majority of them residing in Barcelona and Catalonia, but with a significant number also residing in Madrid.

If you want to become a member of the Cercle d'Economia, please contact us by email:

You can also call us on: 93 200 81 66


Find out more about the history of the Cercle

  • Cercle d'Economia
  • C/ Provença, 298
  • 08008, Barcelona