Nota d’

Annual Meeting

A space for meeting, debate and proposals on the most important problems and challenges of each moment.
With the first edition dating back to 1961, this meeting was a unique event during the political and economic circumstances of those years. It brought members of the Cercle together, young academics and specialists from high state administration who later, from the transition to democracy, would occupy high political responsibilities. Since then they have been held regularly, now annually. An overview of the content and attendees of the meetings is a strong reflection of the social and political development and economic modernisation in Spain, as well as the concerns of the Cercle at that time. Thus, the first editions show the Cercle's commitment to favour the modernisation of the economy and the approach to the then newly created European Economic Community, now the European Union. From the Cercle’s incorporation in 1986, the content of the debates has included the great issues of European integration and of a world economy that has been transformed in parallel to the emergence of new phenomena such as globalisation and new technologies. Circumstances have changed dramatically since 1961, but the Cercle d'Economia Meetings continue to be characterised by their relaxed atmosphere, the quality of the speakers and the active participation of the attending members. All this makes each event a unique space for meeting, debate and proposals on the most important problems and challenges of each moment.

Last anual meeting

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  • Cercle d'Economia
  • C/ Provença, 298
  • 08008, Barcelona