Member of the Board of Directors

Jordi Amat

Philologist and writer
Doctor of philology and writer. Jordi Amat directs the biweekly El Món de Demà - which reflects on the challenges that Catalan society must face - and contributes to various media, especially in the newspaper La Vanguardia. Specialist in political cultures in Catalonia and Spain in the second half of the twentieth century and a member of various university research groups, he has published several books that have won awards and been reprinted. Among his latest works are the biography ‘Com una pàtria. Life of Josep Benet’, the chronicle ‘La confabulació dels irresponsables’ (The Conspiracy of the Irresponsible) and ‘Largo Proceso Amargo Sueño’ (Long process, bitter dream)
  • Cercle d'Economia
  • C/ Provença, 298
  • 08008, Barcelona