President of Cercle d'Economia (2013-2016) and President of the Fundació Cercle d'Economia (2018-2021)

Antón Costas

Proffessor of Economic Policy, University of Barcelona
Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Barcelona, Antón Costas is an Industrial Engineer and Economist. His academic interests are particularly related to the development of public policies and economic reforms and the role played by ideas, interests and institutions in those processes. He recently published “El final del desconcierto. Un nuevo contrato social para que España funcione”. Other recent books include: “La nueva piel del capitalismo”; “La Torre de la arrogancia. Políticas y Mercados después de la crisis” and “La crisis de 2008: de la Economía a la Política y más allá”. He is a columnist for the newspapers "El País", "La Vanguardia" and "El Periódico de Cataluña", and his opinions frequently appear in other written and audiovisual media. He has chaired and served on different expert committees,  advising governments and parliaments on public policy issues. On the corporate front, he is a member of the Reig-Jofre S.A. Laboratory Administration Councils; Banco Mediolanum S.A. Grupo Bodegas Terras Gauda S.A. and Barnaclínic, S.A. He also belongs to the Advisory Councils of Grupo Hotusa S.A., Roca Junyent Advocates S.A.; Ingeus S.A. and the Knowledge Sharing Network (KSNET). He has been a client advocate for Endesa (2000-2005), President of the Endesa Advisory Council in Cataluña (2005-2012), as well as a board member of several companies. On the institutional side, he held the role of President of the Cercle d'Economia (2013-2017) and is currently President of the Fundación Cercle d'Economia.
  • Cercle d'Economia
  • C/ Provença, 298
  • 08008, Barcelona