Award: Premi Ensenyament 2022
Edition 2022

Award: Premi Ensenyament 2022

15 January 2022

The Cercle d’Economia Foundation understands that education is a decisive factor in social and cultural development, equitable and cohesive, fully integrated into the European social model.

The continuous improvement of the education is not only a challenge of the political leaders and the professionals who are dedicated to, but of the whole society, and very especially, of the economic and social sectors.

This is the reason why Cercle d’Economia Foundation convenes the 14th Edition of the Cercle d’Economia Foundation – Premi Ensenyament, to give social recognition and impetus to those initiatives that, from within each school, project the talents of their environment to the world. .

In this new edition, the projects for the improvement of personalized attention and the actions that have been developed to face the educational challenges following the Covid-19 pandemic will be valued, as long as they have been implemented with the will of permanent permanence and have been incorporated into the school educational project, even when health conditions improve and face-to-face activities can be fully developed without health restrictions.


The winners of the last edition:
The Cuatrecasas Award went to the Gabriel Castellano y Raich School in Igualada, the Agbar Foundation Award to the Daniel Mangrané School Institute in the town of Jesús (Tortosa) and the Bankia Foundation Award to the Bonanova FP Sanitaria Institute in Barcelona.

  • Cercle d'Economia
  • C/ Provença, 298
  • 08008, Barcelona