The latest meeting with the young members of the Cercle d'Economia featured a debate about what the Cercle of the future should be like in a session designed to listen to the voices of the youngest members as well as their ideas and proposals.
Firstly, the members of Cercle's board of directors Jordi Amat and Clara Campàs held a conversation in which they placed Cercle in the context of their professional careers. Jordi Amat stated that the goal of Cercle is "to debate in order to give an opinion and to give an opinion in order to influence" and added that "Cercle debates are wide-ranging and constructive". Clara Campàs agreed and commented that "the main challenge we always face is generating consensus in our opinions". Campàs highlighted that "at the board level we have had several arguments in this regard".
Next, the president and general director of Cercle, Jaume Guardiola and Miquel Nadal, respectively, discussed the organization's present and future with those in attendance. Jaume Guardiola stressed that "what defines us is the desire and the ability to influence and take part in the public debate" and that "our great challenge is how to influence this public debate". For his part, Miquel Nadal reviewed Cercle's activity in 2023, highlighting that "last year Cercle organized a total of 51 events about the economy, business, politics, the world, education, and much more" and "that the goal for 2024 is to continue with the same type of activity". Nadal commented that "Cercle is historically an institution of order, but at the same time it wants to be a bit groundbreaking and say things that others do not say". He also added that "we are selective when it comes to giving our opinion and that means that we have greater impact".
The young members attending the meeting expressed proposals that included giving more space to the new economy in the events or generating debates about public-private collaboration, the transfer of university-business knowledge as well as government reform.
We encourage you to send us your suggestions by email to Don't keep them to yourself!