Video of the session: «Hydrogen, key vector of the energy transition»

18th May 2023

In this session we had the intervention of Francisco Maza, director of hydrogen at Repsol and Isaac Justicia, director of the technical office of the Vall de l'Hidrogen de Catalunya, who spoke about the implementation of green hydrogen as a key vector of the energy transition. A determined commitment to the production of electricity with renewable sources opens the door to taking advantage of surpluses for the production of hydrogen, which can then partially or totally replace natural gas or be used in H2 batteries.

The session was moderated by Katherine Villa, leader of a research group at the Catalan Institute of Chemical Research.

This event belongs to the cycle "Strategic projects for the Catalan economy" organized by the Cercle d'Economia, Barcelona Global and FemCat.

En Cataluña, con el tejido industrial que existe, se pueden derivar y aparecer nuevas oportunidades de negocio con el hidrógeno. [...] En el Valle apoyamos los proyectos industriales y convenciendo a diferentes actores para que los proyectos vayan adelante.

Isaac Justicia, director of the technical office of the Vall de l'Hidrogen de Catalunya
Isaac Justicia

La industria en general ha aceptado el reto del hidrógeno, necesitamos un marco regulatorio estable que nos permita conseguir fuentes de financiación y seguir adelante con los proyectos.

Francisco Maza, director of hydrogen at Repsol
Francisco Maza