Water management in Catalonia, are we doing what is needed?

Cercle d'Economia
Which strategies can we promote to face up to the drought in Catalonia?

Accompany us in a new session of the cycle "Actualitat en Cercle" that focuses on analysing the latest news with the help of experts in an act of 1 hour of length followed by a breakfast-networking. You will be able to ask to the experts and talk to them and to the rest of attendees.

Carles Conill, president of the Commission of Water, Energy and Environment of the Col·legi d'Enginyers de Camins and member of the group of coordination of the Observatori Intercol·legial de l'Aigua de Catalunya and Montse Termes, responsible of the speciality of water of the Master in Economy, Regulation and Competition in the Public Services of the Universitat deBarcelona and scientific technical advisor of Cetaqua-Water Technology Centre, will debate solutions to the drought and strategies for a better water management in Catalonia.

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  • Cercle d'Economia
  • C/ Provença, 298
  • 08008, Barcelona